Heaven knows I’m miserable now


Morrisey has been singing to me for a few days now. And I’ve been loving it.

“I was looking for a job, and then I found a job, and heaven knows I’m miserable now”

Heaven knows I’m miserable now – The Smiths

Whaat? That’s not me. lol.

I mean The Smiths are lovey, but this song? It’s an anthem. And have you noticed Johnny Marr and his legend-ness with that guitar? No one can make a depressing song sound so happy like The Smiths do. It reminds me of someone-ehem, a happy tune with a depressing sense of things.

Those who know me know that I have been looking for a job like the one I am currently in for so long, and now that I found it, I feel miserable. However, with many therapy sessions- random shoutout to my therapist for his sense of humor- I have finally concluded that the job is not why I’m miserable. Still, life factors have made me miserable at a job I naturally should love.

I have not found the reason for my miserableness, which is why I miss the “happiness in the haze of drunken hour.” It was not always safe, but it was expected, and it did not expect much of me, and I’m not too fond of expectations.

“In my life, why do I smile at people who I’d much rather kick in the eye?”

Also thought to flag this.

Thanks, The Smiths, for making my confused heart cheery these few days. I awkwardly danced to this tune this morning while making tea, and I did not get caught—a plus for everybody.

Give me chaos


I wish I live in a place that is quieter than here, like Tralee or Sighisoara, where even though they might have problems of their own, they don’t carry the weight of a country. 

They don’t spend their days thinking of ways to feed the millions of hungry, or ways to protect themselves from the theft of traders and corruptions of politicians, or days of no electricity and water. They don’t carry a nation on their skinny backs as we do; they don’t count the coins in their pockets and hope they can pay for the eggs at breakfast. They don’t worry about traffic or roadblocks or motorcades and convoys passing by. 

I was reading an article about the “corruption” of Sighisoara. The ex-director of the Prince of Wales Foundation is explaining how corrupt Sighisoara is because of a club operating illegally with “protection” near her house.

Whenever everything gets too much, I read that article, and it soothes me. A city’s biggest problem is a club that keeps the music loud until 4 am. There is something comforting about knowing that, even though no life is perfect and there are always obstacles anywhere, some problems are just smaller than others.

And this is what I dream of for Lebanon. I stopped dreaming of reform, or hope, or an ideal world where we have trains and social security for the elderly; I simply dream of lesser problems. 

I dream of waking up in my debt-free apartment, having my morning walk on the cobblestone street, and seeing a neighbor not cleaning her dog’s litter. I dream of reporting my neighbor to the police station nearby and the police taking action instantly. The police would fine the lady for not preserving the cleanliness of my city.

I dream of having this as my only problem of the week. I tell it to all my friends on a Sunday brunch and an evening with family. I don’t dream of a Lebanon without any problems; I just dream of simpler ones.

I know I always romanticize Beirut, and I love it with all my heart, but I’m so tired. I’m so tired of all the weight Beirut throws at me. I am so fed with the dirtiness and the debris of it all; I just want a simple city.

I enjoy reading articles on Malta’s economy and Brasov’s restaurants, and the art festivals of Lodz. I thirst for this simplicity and these mini problems. I am so tired of this unapprehended chaos.

Give me chaos, but chaos that I can understand.

It’s been a long day at work


Disclaimer: this was written the very first few weeks at a new job. My opinions have changed, and my anxiety has lessened.

It’s been a very long day at work. The clock says 2:20 pm, but my brain and anxiety say 2 am. I still have 2 hours and 40 minutes to finish the day, and I can almost kill myself.

I finished all my work literally before 12 pm, and I have been reading and killing time ever since. What part of “don’t give someone a job if you don’t have any tasks to give to them” do employers don’t understand? It’s appalling to me.

I have my own office for COVID-19 reasons, which means I have been isolated from everyone else since I first started working, and it has been awful. Sometimes I am happy that I am alone, and sometimes I am sad that I am alive.

And the HR? She’s not helping either. “You’re allowed  to walk, we don’t prohibit anyone from walking.” She keeps telling me every day or two. If I was brave enough, I would have told her that, one, I have my one-hour awful rule that my brain has created to protect me: if I do not move for 30mins or one hour, I will not be allowed to move from my chair at all.

Two, I am moving, I am moving and communicating as much as I can, but you’re not seeing that, and it’s not my fault. I don’t have to ask for your permission to move, and I do not need you to tell me when to move or if I need to move, okay? If you think that’s your move as HR to break the anxiety and shyness of new employees, then I can guarantee you’re failing big time.

God, why do people keep doing that. I mean why? They don’t take into account that someone might be suffering mentally and cannot do normal stuff like walk around the office? I mean sure, the first while at my previous work was hard, but they never made me as uncomfortable, and they never asked me to move from my chair, as if I could.

It’s now 2:57 pm. There are still 2 hours and 3 minutes until I am free. Yes, free. Because I am most uncomfortable.

It’s now 3:34 pm. An hour and a half until I am free. God.

Disclaimer (2): I now walk more. Proud?

Anxiety, it’s painful I guess.



What a passive-aggressive feeling that is. I’ve been trying to make up words to describe anxiety, or even just talk about it in general, but even that I am scared of.

I am scared of anxiety, hell, I am terrified of it.

Ask me about anything, and I can describe it. Depression? It’s a crippling crumbling wall in my chest saying; “I think the pain will last forever.”

But anxiety? No. The idea that I am actually trying to write about it is bringing tears to my eyes. A monster that keeps stepping on my head, and everything in me. Anxiety? It is a dagger dipped in every negative feeling in the world that stabs my heart every second of every day.

There is no distraction. There is no escape. Anxious at work? Wait until you get home and get to reminisce on the emptiness. Want to go out with friends? Awesome, the humiliation and the failure begin. Being alone? What a lovely opportunity to let me burn your flesh alive.

It is more than a feeling of “I’m not good enough” or “people are judging me” or “there is only darkness in the world.” It is more than overthinking and stressing; it is more than fear itself (even though the closest thing to anxiety is fear).

I cannot even talk about it to my therapist. I feel so mundane by only saying that word; “anxiety” as if it mocks me. “Are you snitching on me? You think that’ll help you? You think he cares? You think he believes you? You think you can ever describe the way I make you feel?”

“I can make your legs tremble with weakness, and your morning bleak with vomit, and your nights drown in tears. I can make your dreams a living hell, and your days an abyss. I can make you not only fear of tomorrow but also fear of yesterday, of today, of right damn now. Because you, Nour, is a beast. You, Nour, do not deserve to live. You, Nour, when everyone is starving and everything is breaking, are most ungrateful. Because you, Nour, are selfish and ugly and inhumane”.

I’ll admit, the monster is not always as awakened. But lately, it’s been kicking my guts at least twice a week, sometimes even five days in a row. Am I scared? No, being just ‘scared’ is a complete underestimation of the fire it makes me feel. I am losing my head from the unsafety of all of this, I am terrified of leaving this chair right now, at this moment, I am afraid to breathe.

Anxiety cannot be God-made, it simply cannot. He cannot have created something so evil. It can make the smartest feel stupid, the richest feel poorest, the most athletic feel crippled, the strongest feel weakest.

Sometimes the monster allows me to show it to my therapist, and it is that moment that I feel grateful. My therapist helps a lot, but I laugh when he tells me; “remember, Nour, it is all in your head.”

I know that. You don’t see me holding anxiety’s hands, do you? I obviously know that it is only in my head and that most of it is not real, but knowing is different that feeling. I wish I can stop myself from feeling.

I wish I could shut it all out.
All of it.

My Very First Post (and hopefully not the last)


My Very First Post- I have been thinking of creating a blog of my own since I first heard of blogs.

Not sure what stopped me from creating one years back, or if I preferred it stays an idea in my head but not on paper, but I surely imagined this moment a couple of hundreds of times. And even though I have so much to share and say, I feel completely mind-blocked.

Which is typical, really. I probably had writer’s block for 20 years out of my 22 years of living, so no big deal here. I’m so used to this little brain not functioning when I want it to. But it’s okay, like everything else, I learned to love and embrace it very well.

who am I?

I don’t know yet, so I can’t tell you. But I know that my name is Nour and that I love writing and being around people I love. I tend to talk a lot and share stories, which is what encouraged me to start this blog; to share the stories I haven’t told yet.

what do I do?

In the context of experiences and whatnot, I have a BA in Journalism and MA in Communication Sciences. I currently work with the United Nations and I’m a board member at an NGO, which is super cool *pats myself on the back*. I have worked as a senior editor, administrative assistant, translator, social media specialist, tutor, HR, and writer. I have also volunteered in 7 different NGOs and I’m always searching for new opportunities because, weird enough, I love everything and everyone.

Also, there is probably an “About Me” page somewhere in this blog that I should’ve written all this crap in, but oh well.

what are you doing here?

LOL. No idea. You’re either one of my super cool friends (I love you friends!!!) who wants to support me, or a poor soul that stumbled upon this nonsense and thought to give it-and me-a chance. Nonetheless, the fact that you are reading this-and maybe some other things too-makes me want to hug you.

If you’re looking for enlightenment, or academic research, or anything that is beneficial, you’re in the wrong place, and I’m sorry. But if you’re looking for randomness, well, hello nice to meet you, I am Random.

Also, I am still not sure if I’ll actually share this with anyone I know, or keep it online for my own enjoyment. I’ll have to overthink it of course, like all the other mundane things I overthink.

I think this is enough for a first post, and it may be too long, but I don’t know yet. I guess I have to start with my research on how to stay in the blogging lane.