Pride and prejudice really? I’m not so sure anymore. I’ve just learned something, and I can’t tell anyone about it because the people I can tell are directly related, and it’s so aggravating.
It’s just; I need to tell someone so they can tell me I am not being used, that it’s alright and it’s only big in my head, that I am not just being dragged around just for being the way I am and that it actually is much simpler and makes a lot of sense.
When is it time to walk away from deceiving people, even if that means giving away the things we love most? Where can we find the fine thin line between giving others our all and not letting them use us, or worse, drain us until we’re dry?
I’m hoping, praying, that there is some kind of explanation behind what I just discovered and that it is not that I am being used for whatever reason they think it makes sense to use me.
I’m hoping that I am wrong because if I am not wrong and this is the reality, I’ll have to walk, and I’m not sure I’m ready to do that.