A Thursday morning for a change

Happy Thursday, almost Friday! Hope you’ve had a wonderful week so far and not pulling your hair out because life is too melancholy to grasp. I hope you had a calm week, where all you had to stress over was waking early for school/university/work.

I know that this is a far stretch of hope, especially since it is final exams season and the full moon is on May 16, and I confidently can say that the May Full Moon takes a DRAMATIC toll on me. Known as the Flower Moon for coming in the frivolous season of the blossoming Spring, I prefer calling it the moon of shit.

Honestly, looking back at the past few years, the events preceding the May Moon have been the most dramatic, awful, life-changing, and horrific. And it’s not ENTIRELY my fault; really, it’s a mixed combination of me emotionally amplifying the silliest interactions and the universe hitting me with explosive Meteoroids. As a sane grownup, I should probably know how to deal with the universe’s surprises, but as me, I cannot deal with anything to save my life. I can only cry; is that valid?

I’m only really writing this because I am listening to good music, Laykoon by El Fer3i, and I’m kind of liking the daily post, making me feel less guilty for my 2022 heist. Knowing me, this enthusiasm ain’t going to last.

Also, embrace your congratulations, as I am almost finished with the longest transcript I ever had to write. I did the interview in January with this fantastic woman mediator who led the Women’s March between Chiah and Ain El Rimmeneh, two streets parallel to each other, divided by one common street and many sectarian conflicts. Speaking of the women’s march, she started crying, so of course, I started crying too because she is so inspiring. And when I was listening to the interview yesterday, I cried again. It is so iconic. I can either share the link to the transcript or the full story once published.

However, the interview was two hours long, and it almost gave me a heart attack to finish. I finally finished transcribing to Arabic yesterday, and today I am translating to English with a deadline for tomorrow. Fun.

What else? Well, I may have registered for a Master’s degree in a university called Academic University for Non-Violence & Human Rights, located in Beirut. The degree is Non-violent Communication and Media Skills, and I am really excited about it. The only problem is that, well, I am broke. I’m just hoping that the university is so peaceful that it is free. Lol.

Right now, we’re going down to a nearby cafe to celebrate my colleague’s birthday. He doesn’t like cakes or songs, so we just got him shoes and wrote him a cute note. Fun fact: he’s born on May 13, and it happens to be a Friday this year, AND three days before the full moon. Bless his heart.

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