I really didn’t want to publish this, as I think I’ve been too negative here, and it has become a place for me to be a baby. But I don’t want to encourage deleting unpublished posts and hide behind a fake façade, so here is some more whining ( 🙂 )
They all talk about the 14 days of COVID-19, but nobody talks about the aftermath of the 14 days. Nobody talks about the long-term symptoms and the long-term destruction that it causes on our bodies. Nobody tells us that infection can occur literally after we’re tested negative.
I’m in my 9th day of symptoms today and my 6th day without my sense of smell and taste. I’ve been reading a lot about people who’ve lost these senses for weeks, even months, post-COVID-19. Some people lost it for good. It’s terrifying me.
I’ve been asking all my friends and relatives who caught it before about this; the relatives who took the same vitamins and meds-but, of course, less-have all gotten back a day or two after losing them. A friend of a friend lost it for over a month, and a friend regained 80% of her sense of taste gradually and only 20% of her smell (she’s been negative since November).
Imagine not being able to enjoy the taste of your coffee or the smell of your loved ones; it’s like going around the world with no colors. I know some people have it harder, but I’m finding this so hard to swallow.
I’m trying almost everything. I even tried the “Jamaica recipe,” which consists of burning clementine and orange and eat/drink them puree. Nothing.
I still have 5 more days of this, and it’s over. I even planned my next week, and I am hoping it is the great breather I need after the 14 days of aloofness. I really really really want my smell and taste senses back by next week.